Jennifer Lopez: “DANCE AGAIN”

Legendary mamacita, Nicki Minaj side-eye shade thrower, and thoroughly free of all flaw Queen J. Lo just called in to On Air with Ryan Seacrest to premiere her brand new RedOne-produced dance floor banga, “Dance Again,” which will either be the lead single from her upcoming eighth studio album or from a greatest hits collection. She don’t know yet!

Jennifer Lopez: Dance Again

Despite her jam-packed schedule working behind the judge’s booth on American Idol, it appears as though Jenny’s got a whole lot of other things she’d like to be doing with her time as well.

Her grueling to-do list, in no particular order:

  • Dance.
  • Love.
  • Dance Again.

There are many reasons to criticise Jennifer Lopez’s new single. Most notably, it’s essentially a retread of last year’s ‘On The Floor’ that once again employs RedOne for a latino-pop melody and Pitbull for a second nonsensical spoken-word section that calls his sanity into question. Even the accompanying music video feels like a rehash, with the plot consisting of little more than Lopez’s unrivalled beauty.

So why do we still love it so much? Because it’s J Lo doing what J Lo does best. It may lack the overwhelming immediacy of its parent hit, but it’s not for want of trying its absolute hardest. “I love to make love to you baby,” she purrs over pulsing, club-ready beats, before launching into a whirlwind of a chorus where she instructs us to “dance, love and dance again”. The result is exactly what you’d expect, and it’s all the better for it.

The blazin’ hot track also features professional bulge Pitbull, who offers insightful commentary throughout regarding the one subject closest to his heart: His global reach. “Is he really worldwide? Uh, yes!” Mr. Worldwide decides aloud. Finally, the debate is over!

Also of note: The beat from Pitbull’s verse is lifted directly from Nightcrawlers‘ 1992 House smash “Push The Feeling On,” which Pitbull already sampled (in a different section of the song) for 2009′s “Hotel Room Service.” From this, we can deduce two things: 1.) Pitbull really fucking loves “Push The Feeling On” and 2.) We’re now entering the seventh circle of Reductive Hell.

Now, look: Is “Dance Again” sonically identical to “On The Floor,” “Papi,” and every other uptempo banga on Lopez’s quite amazing seventh studio album, LOVE? Oh, yes. Does Kat Deluna reserve the right to remain thoroughly pressed about the fact that Jenny is quite literally snatching song after song from her Belgium-only album, Inside Out? Indeed!

But you know what? It’s Jennifer Lopez! She can be as reductively derivatively generic as she likes, and I’m still going to go H.A.M. for whatever she’s serving. When the DJ bumps some Jenny up in the club, I lose my mind, my clothes, and whatever tiny shred of dignity that’s been hanging by a string from my bedazzled jock strap for the duration of the night.

Therefore, I do declare “Dance Again” a smash!

What are your own thoughts on Jennifer’s new single? Let us know below, or by hitting us up on Facebook and Twitter!

Watch her music video here:


Mae Limboc is an Social Media Specialist at Visual Ally Incorporated. She has been in the company since it started and is currently being trained for Social Media. To practice her learning’s, she is now trying to venture out into blogging. Her blogs usually showcase their different activities and interests and also her experiences of a newbie in the Social Media world.

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